Itt egyelőre csak annyit fűznék hozzá, hogy Vatra se nem csúnya, se nem hibás, de vitatkoztam a bíróval a színén. Onnantól kezdve meg lehetett volna annyi eszem, hogy Lexiet nem én viszem be, de ez van, így izgalmas :D
Puppy male
Very promising
5: Blessed Bright Red Star at Shady Whirlhell
Echoing Song of Dashing Dawn x Made In Hell at Wendigo's Wind
T: Dobra Mihályné t: Paár Judit
Youth males
Excellent II:
6: Iced Jack of Dashing Dawn
Flower Of Old Hill Keaton x Amelie Dash Kateldor
T. Dezső Tímea t. Dezső Tímea és Medveczky Nikolett
T. Dezső Tímea t. Dezső Tímea és Medveczky Nikolett
7: Invisivle Marks of Dashing Dawn
Flower Of Old Hill Keaton x Amelie Dash Kateldor
T. Dezső Tímea t. Dezső Tímea és Jászberényi Péter
T. Dezső Tímea t. Dezső Tímea és Jászberényi Péter
Intermediate males
Very good
8:Child Of Four Hills Gentlemen
Lucky For You Blue King Of My Castle x Child Of Four Hills CassidyT. Csallós Krisztina t. Lukics Attila
9:Erudite of Pinewood Country
Xtrem of Pinewood Country x Yours Sincerely of Pinewood Country
T: Brigitte Baertl t: Hámor Fanni
Open males
10: Lucky For You Blue Yacht
Lucky For You I'm Your Man x Sportingfields Lucky For You ExpeditionT. Bényi Kristóf t. Lukics Attila
11: Sio-Bella Batman
Nahrof Foreign Fantasy x Fifth Element at Wendigo's Wind
T. vargabéla t: Tóth Gergely
Working male
Not presented
12: Diamond Of Whitecastle Casanova
Wylie Golden Reward x Vigour Of Blackmountain BrooklynT. Marosán Gyöngyi t. Gyetkó János
Champion male
13:Breaking Waves By The Lake
Clan-Abby NZ Tartan Piper x 4 Legs Good 2 Legs Bad ButterfyT + t. Sólyom Tímea
Minor puppy females
14: Juggling With Wendigo's Flame of Forestry Farm
Teddy Bear of Forestry Farm x Crazy Chocolate of Forestry FarmT. Némethné Marjai Mónika t. Németh Mónika
Very Promising
15: Piece Of Happiness Alisha
Goodwill Golem x Isle Of May from Cranberry Cottage
T + t: Bődörné Princz Patrícia
Puppy females
Very Promising II.
16: Angel Of Ivywoods
Plum Parcel Paw Jackpot x Holly From Cranberry CottageT. Szmolek Eszter t. Kissné Szén Alice
Very Promising I.
17: Khaleesi of Dashing Dawn
Flower Of Old Hill Lorax x Belong To You of Dashing Dawn
T + t: Dezső Tímea
Very Promising III.
18: Rednalf Dear All Inclusive
Heronwood Jazz's Red Song x Rednalf Dear Qvality
T + t: Flander Erika
Youth females
Excellent II.
19: Angels Never Die Aenid
Sportingfields New Reflection to LFY x LFY Blue Katherine MayfairT. Szabó Nikoletta t. Dajmüller Péter
Excellent III.
20: Infinite Energy of Dashing Dawn
Flower Of Old Hill Keaton x Amelie Dash KateldorT. Dezső Tímea t. Dezső Tímea és Bardócz Andrea
168: Aces Legacy Olala She's a Beuty
Wendevick Hamilton x Quellylane Lwendevick
T: Mevrouw De Groof Joke t: Gyetkó János
Intermediate females
Excellent IV.
21: Angels Never Die Annabelle
Sportingfields New Reflection to LFY x LFY Blue Katherine MayfairT. Szabó Nikoletta t. Arany-Tihanyi Cintia
22:Bordermania Gaelic Charm
Pikkupaimenen Ex-treme Action x Bordermania Cunning Vixen
T + t: Novák Judit
Excellent II.
23: Jillyby from Cranberry Cottage
Eyes Of The World Kontiki - Cranberry Cottage FionaT: Takácsné Kiss Vera t: Bődörné Princz Patrícia
Excellent III.
24: Pretty Fly at Wendigo's Wind "Lexie"
Follow The ROAD at Wendigo's Wind x Evianne From Carolyns HomeT: Németh Mónika t: Németh Mónika & Módné Horvai Orsolya
Open females
Excellent I.
25:Honey from Cranberry Cottage
Azurro From Carolyns Home x Quite Victory of Forestry Farm
T: Takács Kiss Vera t: Varga Balázs
26: Isle Of May from Cranberry Cottage
Flower Of Old Hill Keaton x Chéri from Cranberry Cottage
T: Takács Kiss Vera t: Bődörné Princz Patrícia
Working females
Not presented
27: Aces Legacy Nurse
Wendevick Hamilton x Wendevick Komilfo
T: Mecsouw de Groof Joke t: Gyetkó János
Wendevick Hamilton x Wendevick Komilfo
T: Mecsouw de Groof Joke t: Gyetkó János
28: Amelie Dash Kateldor
For-Ek Dajavera x Doreen Z Jasminovych Hor
T: Pavla Rihová t: Dezső Tímea
For-Ek Dajavera x Doreen Z Jasminovych Hor
T: Pavla Rihová t: Dezső Tímea
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